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The college applications for 2024-25 are closed. Scholarship applications for next year will be available in the fall.

Kansas & Missouri

Annually, the Missouri and Kansas state committees make funds available for scholarships to assist employees’ children and to support employees pursuing continuing education. Scholarships are available for an employee or the child of an employee of a BLD Connection member lumberyard in Missouri or Kansas or a child sponsored by the owner or manager of a BLD Connection member lumberyard located in Missouri or Kansas. Each state has different criteria for earning the awards. These are grants – not loans – and do not need to be repaid.

If you have a son or daughter, an employee or employee’s son or daughter in college, or an employee who is utilizing continuing education, take a minute to review the scholarship application for your state.

Wisconsin Scholarships

WLDEF LogoThe Wisconsin Lumber Dealers Education Foundation provides post-secondary educational scholarships as well as employee training -Tuition Assistance grants for BLD Connection members in Wisconsin & Upper Michigan. To learn more about these programs, visit

With a gift from former WRLA Chair - Phillip Mork, WRLA established scholarship -Phillip O. Mork Memorial Scholarship, at Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, Wisconsin and UW Platteville in Platteville, Wisconsin.  The schools scholarship foundations set the criteria, award amounts and select the recipient for these annual scholarships.

Nebraska Scholarships

BLD Connection Nebraska Employee Scholarships

BLD Connection Nebraska is making available a limited number of $100 Employee Scholarships for Nebraska retail members attending LumberTech training classes. Scholarship applications can be submitted as soon as a class is registered for.

Nebraska High School Senior/College Freshman Scholarships

Each year BLD Connection Nebraska makes available, a scholarship for a high senior or current college freshman who is, or who plans to enroll in a college/technical school program related to the lumber and building materials or construction industry. Student applicants are required to have a retail member sign the application, allowing students  the chance to connect with the members who are providing the scholarship and giving members an opportunity to talk with the student about careers in the LBM industry.

Minnesota Scholarship

An Endowment Fund has been established at the University of Minnesota – Dept. of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (formerly the Wood and Paper Science Department). Their marketing and building science programs have been educating top students for companies throughout the United States but most especially for companies here in the Midwest. Donations for that scholarship are always welcome. Email Cody Nuernberg for details.

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